
Dear Bob, thanks again for your time and contribution to our "Role Reversal" project. I REALLY do appreciate it!! Love, Jackie

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Bob, I really appreciated this perspective, and your description that we are all “breath on a mirror”. I hope you and your family are well!

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Dear Karen, thank you for your continuing support! Love, Jackie

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Bob’s comments on his “Role Reversal” experience with his Dad was candid & insightful. While my parents lived to age 85 and never experienced Alzheimer’s, they did experience hardships as a “lowest” middle-class (or “upper poor-class”?), raising 4 children, often both working, and ending their life in a Long Island, New York nursing home – the actual life-end “advantage” of not being a millionaire but in MediCAID status inf the U.S. A few points of Bob’s comments vis-à-vis my reflections: >>> The challenge of Alzheimer’s and appropriate drug regimens, ranges from “Cognex” (Tacrine) patented 1989, discontined 2013, and used by Bob’s Dad 1993 – to the 2021 “Aducanumab”, controversy as to efficacy & FDA approval, with the U.S. HHS Inspector General investigating. >>> Bob’s advice to be empathetic and “cut sone slack” is excellent & appropriate. >>> I’m in agreement with Bob’s view that “men tend to avoid the situation”, i.e. more so as to being less forthright and/or perceptive, in contrast to women. >>> The comment that U.S. legal & tax considerations in the U.S. must be fully considered as to elder care (levels of home care, assisted care, nursing home, etc), is especially true in America – reference status of millionaire / billionairre (Branson & Bezos rocket-ride to edge of spce), middle-class (most of “us”), MediCAID (deserved) eligible – as the “middle clsss” must muddle-through, mess-with, machination-deal, with the “system”. America IS a great country – but sadly dealing with over a half-million homeless on a given night, most persistent stage (U.S. HUD), or 50,000 plus suicides per year – highest rate in the world (U.S. CDC), with “20 military Veteran suicides per day” (7,200+ per year), 1/3rd age 49 or younger, with VET suicides higher than the general population, and an Opioid epidemic of 50,000+ deaths in 2020, from 10,000 in year 2000. America is great, but facing enormous challenges & danger on the socio-economic-political-religious front. Kudos for the “Role Reversal” project. Rich & Anne

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Dear Rich and Anne, thank you yet again for your "insights to the insights". The U.S. is indeed a wonderful country...I lived there for almost 32 years. At the same time, there are many challenges that have to - and should be - addressed, but seem to remain somewhat on the "back burner". As far as Branson and Bezos are concerned...on the one hand, it's good that people are experimenting with technology...on the other hand, there are enough problems here on earth, AND I have the distinct feeling that these are two men who - more than anything else - are suffering from an overdose of testosterone and want to place yet another cherry on top of the whipped cream. It seems like some people are never happy with what they DO have, and keep striving for what they DON'T have. I am convinced that those of us who have experienced, or are experiencing, someone close who has Dementia or Alzheimer's, know what's important, and what's not important, in life. Carolyn and I will continue with our Role Reversal project, and feel very honored that our pieces are helpful!! Much love, Jackie

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